There is no automatic “compliance validator” tool available for PowerPoint documents, but following these best practices assures documents are accessible:
- All Text must appear in Outline View (Text in a text box will not appear in the Outline View)
- Create slide titles in a Title Holder, not with a text box
- Slide layouts are used for all text
- No flickering and/or flashing text or objects
- No animated text or objects
- Graphics must have alternative text unless decorative or background image
- An illustration created from several smaller images must be grouped to form one object
- Alt Text must be associated with the grouped object
- Check to see that charts were created in PowerPoint
- If charts were copied from another program, they are treated as images
- All charts must have Title, Legend, Axis Labels
- Tables are a layout based on rows and columns
- Check that tables were created within PowerPoint
- When tables are imported into PowerPoint from another program or source, they are recognized as images
- Labeled column and row headers
All documents must be error-free in PowerPoint Accessibility Checker and are spot-checked with assistive technology (screen reader) for accessibility.
All documents must conform to HHS guidelines from PowerPoint Document 508 Checklist