FAQ: What is the price per page to remediate a document and make it compliant with Section 508?

Every document is unique, and every client has different requirements, so there is no set cost per page. A 10 page document with numerous tables, charts and graphics may require more remediation than a 200 page mostly text document. Many of our clients have special compliance specifications– we are prepared to handle the most stringent requirements.

For non-contract clients, remediation pricing is by the page and can only be confirmed after documents have been evaluated. There is no “typical” job, so the price per page has a wide range- for example, a health insurance organization with 80-100 documents totaling 2000-3000 pages may contract for a base fee between $3-5 a page. A non-contract remediation for a government client may run as high as $15.00 per page.

We never quarrel with those who sell for less, as they know what their service is worth.  EDCS remediated documents are guaranteed accessible, not merely error-free according to an automatic check.

We will be glad to evaluate your documents, give you a report on their compliance needs and  a firm bid including turnaround time, please contact us for more information.