Guaranteed Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 Compliant Document Accessibility Services

The U.S. Access Board has released a final rule that updates accessibility requirements for information and communication technology (ICT) in the federal sector covered by Section 508, the first refresh since 1998. The rule is slated to go into effect in March, 2018, and references WCAG 2.0 as the standard for compliant PDFs.

SP_AIM_logo_topMeeting or exceeding the most stringent HHS requirements, AIM-certified documents are guaranteed to be accessible and compliant with Section 508 and WCAG 2.0.

Send project sample for no-obligation evaluation and quote.

Wide range of comprehensive standards reports ensure compliance with any specifications:
  • Time-stamped NetCentric CommonLook accessibility reports
  • Time-stamped Adobe Acrobat accessibility reports
  • Full Section 508,  WCAG 2.0, and PDF/UA (ISO 14289).
  • Structural validation based on ISO 32000-1:2008
  • Completed  HHS Section 508 checklists
Please contact us for a quote and see how quickly we can get your job done!
aimbannerthin 30 Million Americans are visually impaired. The Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act was created to eliminate barriers in information technology; advances in this technology have made it possible to significantly reduce these barriers, or even eliminate them completely. AIM is dedicated to helping fulfill this promise.

Get Answers Now!

    Got a question? Need a quote for Section 508 and PDF/UA-1 compliance services? Use this form or call 919-410-7408.

    Best Practices

    PDFblueAIM uses NetCentric Technologies' CommonLook PDF GlobalAccess to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.0, PDF/UA, HHS as well as Section 508.

    Health Insurance Documents

    We are experienced in remediation for all types of health insurance provider documents- ANOC, EOC, SOB, etc., with rapid turnaround.

    Certified and Insured

    PDFgreenAIM remediated documents passing all HHS checklist items are guaranteed compliant with Section 508.

    No-Obligation Evaluation

    Send us a sample document: We will evaluate it and provide you with a qualified bid and remediation report with a detailed compliance plan.